
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Pen is a Tool

Through a pen, worlds are created, lives are lived, stories begin and end but continue in a reader's heart.  A writer becomes a god of their own universe.  Everything falls magically into place, endings are usually happy, and characters are immortal.

But what about the real world?  Lives are lived, some full of hopes and dreams and happiness, others full of misery and pain.  The world is full of suffering.  But I believe compassion and kindess can go a long way. 

A pen is a tool.  It can be used to create worlds, or it can be used as a window to the world we live in.

They say we must have the strength to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Let's find the peace in our hearts to change what we must.

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